"Thank you for making daycare a safe & loving environment. We appreciate all the learning and fun you bring. Your hard work and commitment are greatly appreciated." We will miss all of you .
- Former Family Infant-Preschool Graduate
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your care and kindness over the past year. You all have been such a big part of my village and I couldn't appreciate it any more than I do. Your hard work is truly amazing and it shows in how our children grow and develop in your care. Our journey with King Academy may have been short but it has been wonderful!
— Former Family Infant-Toddler
"Ms. Ida, There are not enough words to describe how thankful we are for you and your staff. From day one, I could feel the genuine love and care that you all had for the kids and to this day I love the sense of family that you all have always shared. It has meant the world to me to have always felt at peace leaving my kids in your hands knowing that they would always be cared for as if they were one of your own. Not only have the kids always been a part of such a loving environment but they've learned so much and had so much fun doing it. I want to thank you for igniting their love of learning and setting the bar for their educational success. Both Children have such fond memories of their time at King Academy which will always be remembered. We are eternally grateful for everything you and the staff have done for us and the kids will miss you all. It truly takes a village and we are so glad that you were apart of ours. Love Always.
- Former Family Infant-Preschool Graduates
"To all the lovely ladies of King Academy, We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for all that you do. The warmth, love, and care you show each day makes the daycare a truly special place. You create a safe and nurturing environment where children grow, learn and thrive - and for that we are eternally grateful. It feels like the end of an era having both children complete their journey with you. In these past 4 years you have become our extended family, making it very easy to trust you with our children's care. Thank you for everything you do. Your hard work does not go unnoticed and we appreciate you more than words can express.
Former Family - 2 children Toddler-Preschool Graduates
Ms. Ida, Thank you so very much for all you did to support my family as I prepared to return to work. It was a blessing to know my child was safe, happy and supported through all of the ups and downs. Your dedication to a welcoming safe and nurturing environment will be the standard, we compare all of our child's future education to. We truly appreciate all you have done for us!